
Simple Tricks to Activate Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is the base chakra. It represents strength, stability and groundness. Strong bond with family, culture and clan. The feeling of being grounded is the essence of the Root chakra. Feeling grounded and secure in our bodies helps us find practical solutions to everyday problems by being connected to the Earth.

This connection shapes our basic human instincts and physical structure. It takes care of body parts like joints, bones, muscles, legs, and feet, allowing us to interact with the Earth. The root chakra also acts as an internal and external defense system, guarding our body with things like the immune system and skin. This defense system helps create healthy boundaries, keeping us separate from external influences.

Red, Earthly shades.

Southwest. In simple terms, your root chakra, linked to stability and grounding, is like the anchor of your energy system. Similarly, in your living space, this vital energy hub aligns with the Southwest corner. Just as the root chakra roots you to the ground, placing essential elements in the Southwest corner of your home enhances a sense of security and foundation.

Read about the relationship between the Vastu and the Chakras here

Easy and practical ways to balance this Chakra

Barefoot Stroll on the ground/grass:

Connect with the Earth by taking a barefoot stroll on grass or earth. This simple act allows the energy from the ground to flow through your body, promoting a sense of grounding and stability.

Feel the ground beneath your feet, and let the Earth’s energy harmonize with your root chakra.

Meditation with ‘Lam’ Mantra:

Practice meditation seated on the grass or earth, focusing on the seed mantra ‘Lam’ associated with the root chakra. This helps balance and activate the root energy, cultivating a deep sense of security and stability as you align your internal energies with the natural surroundings.

Sunlit Morning Walk:

Start your day with a morning walk under the sun. Sunlight is a powerful source of energy that has all 7 colours and complements the root chakra’s association with the Earth element. The warmth and light from the sun enhance your connection to the environment, promoting a positive and balanced flow of energy throughout your body.

Declutter the Southwest:

Create a harmonious living space by decluttering the southwest area of your home, which corresponds to the root chakra.

Removing unnecessary items and organizing this space enables a clear energy flow, strengthening the sense of security and stability associated with the root chakra.

Nutrient-Rich Diet:

Nourish your root chakra through your diet by incorporating wheat grass, wheat-based foods, protein-rich sources, and root vegetables. These foods resonate with the root chakra’s earthy energy, providing essential nutrients that support physical well-being.

Consistency is key, so incorporate these methods into your routine for a gradual and sustainable balancing of the Root chakra.