
Best Plants For Children’s Study Room: To Improve Focus And Concentration

When it comes to studying or learning at home, having the proper setup is super important. And guess what? Plants can be a big help! Not only do they look cool, but some plants can also make it easier for you to focus and learn better.

With examinations right at the corner, many parents are looking for ways to help their children stay focused and engaged while studying at home. One simple but effective strategy is bringing nature indoors by adding plants to your child’s study space.

How to choose such plants?

Certain plants have been shown to boost concentration, memory retention, and overall academic performance. The key is choosing varieties that are low maintenance, air-purifying, and visually calming. This helps clear the air of toxins, reduce stress, and create a tranquil environment ideal for studying.

In this article, we will explore the top 5 plants to add to your child’s study room or also for your home office. These plants can help maximize productivity while providing a much-needed connection to nature. From oxygen-boosting succulents to concentration-enhancing herbs, read on to discover the best plants to keep your child healthy, focused, and performing their best this school year!

1. Peace Lily: The Chill Study Buddy

Peace Lily

The Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is a popular indoor plant in India, thriving in tropical and subtropical climates. It requires indirect sunlight and well-draining soil. Regular watering and occasional misting contribute to its lush growth. The plant is resilient and can tolerate some neglect.

As an indoor plant, it offers air-purifying benefits by removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. Its elegant, white blooms also add aesthetic appeal to interiors, promoting a sense of calm and tranquillity. The Peace Lily’s low maintenance and aesthetic value make it a favourite choice for indoor greenery.

The Peace Lily is not just a good-looking plant; it’s like your study buddy that helps keep the air clean. It takes away the bad stuff from the air and gives you lots of good oxygen. So, it’s not only pretty but also makes your study area a calm and healthy place.

2. Snake Plant: The 24/7 Cleaner

Snake Plant

Meet the Snake Plant — it’s not unique in looks but also super at cleaning the air. While many plants work during the day, the Snake Plant is like a superhero that works day and night. It makes sure the air in your room stays fresh, making it a great choice for when you’re burning the midnight oil.

The Snake Plant (Sansevieria), known for its air-purifying properties, thrives in diverse climates across India. It’s adaptable and can withstand low light conditions, making it suitable for various regions. Maintaining a Snake Plant is easy, requiring infrequent watering and well-draining soil. In local markets, its cost is generally moderate, making it an affordable choice for indoor greenery.

As an indoor plant, the Snake Plant excels at improving air quality by filtering out toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. Additionally, it releases oxygen at night, making it an excellent bedroom companion. With minimal care and air-purifying benefits, the Snake Plant is a popular and practical choice for indoor environments in India.

According to NASA’s Clean Air study, the Snake plant is very effective in producing oxygen in a room. About 6-8 snake plants are enough for an average person to survive in a sealed room with no airflow.

No, NASA has not issued any such guidance in the study. It is important to note that NASA has primarily studied the air-purifying and air-filtering capabilities of various house plants, including the Snake Plant, rather than specifically evaluating their oxygen production in indoor environments.

3. Jade Plant: Making Air Better

Jade Plant

The Jade Plant (Crassula ovata), popularly known as the Money Plant or Lucky Plant, is widely grown in India, favouring warm climates. It thrives in well-drained soil and requires ample sunlight. Jade plants are resilient, tolerate occasional neglect and are often potted for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. In Indian markets, their cost is generally affordable, making them a common choice for home gardening.

The Jade Plant isn’t just a lucky charm; it’s also awesome at cleaning the air. As an indoor plant, the Jade Plant serves as a symbol of prosperity and positive energy. Its thick, fleshy leaves retain water, allowing for infrequent watering, and it’s known for improving indoor air quality by absorbing toxins, making it both aesthetically pleasing and beneficial for well-being.

While you’re busy studying, the Jade Plant is quietly making sure the air you breathe is top-notch.

4. Lucky Bamboo: Bringing Good Vibes

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo is like your green good luck charm. It doesn’t need a lot of light, and if you water it regularly, it brings positive vibes. Having it around while you’re studying can be a little extra luck for your learning journey.

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is popularly grown in India, thriving in tropical and subtropical climates. Easily cultivated in water or well-draining soil, it requires indirect sunlight and periodic watering. This resilient plant is low-maintenance, making it suitable for indoor settings. In the local market, Lucky Bamboo is reasonably priced, and appealing to a broad audience.

As an indoor plant, Lucky Bamboo is considered a symbol of good fortune and positive energy. Its vibrant green stems bring aesthetic charm, while its ability to thrive in low light conditions and improve indoor air quality makes it a practical choice for enhancing both ambience and well-being.

5. Spider Plant: Stress-Buster

The Spider Plant is not just cool to look at; it’s like a stress-buster. As you’re working hard on your studies, this plant is making the atmosphere more relaxing. Plus, it cleans the air too, giving you a double bonus.

The Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) flourishes in diverse climates across India, thriving in well-draining soil and requiring moderate sunlight. Known for its adaptability, this hardy plant is easily maintained with regular watering. In Indian markets, the Spider Plant is generally affordable, making it a popular choice for indoor gardening.

As an indoor plant, the Spider Plant serves as a natural air purifier, effectively reducing pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene. Its arching, spider-like shoots produce plantlets that can be propagated, enhancing its visual appeal. With air-purifying qualities and ease of propagation, the Spider Plant is a practical and decorative addition to indoor spaces.

So, having these plants in your kids’ study room isn’t just about making the room look trendy. They’re like quiet helpers, making the study space healthier and better for learning. As your kids focus on their studies, these plants are working behind the scenes to make their study time awesome!