
6 Fun Games To Teach Leadership Skills At School!

Leadership starts from School!

Did you know that the seeds of leadership are sown in the very heart of our school classrooms? School environment plays a pivotal role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. 

From cultivating a sense of responsibility to encouraging teamwork and initiative, the classroom becomes the training ground for young minds to embrace their leadership potential. In this article, we’ll explore the unique aspects of leadership in Indian classrooms, examining both its benefits and potential misuse. Get ready to embark on a journey that highlights the power of educational leadership in the Indian context.

Benefits of Leadership Development in Classrooms:

Cultivate a Sense of Responsibility:

Embedding leadership qualities in classrooms inculcates a deep sense of responsibility in students. Through group projects, combined learning, and class duties, students learn the importance of accountability and ownership. 

A leader should be responsible for one’s actions and the actions of the team they lead. A sense of responsibility evolves through experiences, challenges, and continuous self-reflection. School becomes the foundation stone for strengthening leadership quality. 

Good leaders and managers contribute to the development of a positive and productive work environment, where individuals feel supported and motivated to achieve common goals.

Encourage Initiative

Leadership in classrooms encourages students to take initiative and think outside the box. Whether it’s presenting ideas, leading discussions, or proposing solutions, these experiences lay the foundation for innovation and creative thinking.

Taking initiative is the most important role of a leader. This is strengthened by participating in debates, elocutions, and group discussions at the school level. 

Promote Teamwork

Leadership activities promote collaboration among students in the classroom. Learning to work as a team prepares students for the multicultural and collaborative nature of the professional world.

Teaming up for sports and games, projects, and many other competitions at school will enhance team spirit and healthy collaboration.

Building Communication Skills:

Effective communication is a cornerstone of leadership. Classroom activities such as presentations, storytelling, elocutions, debates, and group discussions enhance students’ communication skills, enabling them to express ideas clearly and persuasively.

Embedding leadership activities in school has some drawbacks too:


One potential misuse is the promotion of an exclusive leadership culture. It’s crucial to ensure that leadership opportunities are inclusive, giving every student the chance to participate and contribute, regardless of their academic standing.

Overemphasis on Authority:

Leadership development should not equate to promoting authoritarian behaviour. It’s essential to guide students towards servant leadership, emphasising empathy, collaboration, and a commitment to serving the greater good.

Ignoring Introverted Students:

A common oversight is neglecting the leadership potential of introverted students. Leadership comes in various forms, and it’s crucial to recognize and nurture the unique strengths of every individual, whether they are extroverted or introverted.

Fun leadership games to include in the School Curriculum

Here are the amazing fun leadership games that you can consider incorporating into the school curriculum:

Want to have a shareable game guide with examples? No worries. Download a copy by clicking here, so you can share it or print it!

1. Survivor:

Create a scenario where students are “stranded” and must work together to survive. Assign leadership roles and tasks, such as building a shelter or finding food. This game emphasizes teamwork, communication, and decision-making.

2. Minefield:

Set up an obstacle course with objects representing “mines.” Blindfold one participant and have their team guide them through the minefield using only verbal instructions. This game enhances communication and trust among team members.

3. Team Building Puzzles:

Provide various puzzles or brainteasers that require collaboration to solve. Encourage students to work together to complete the puzzles within a time limit. This fosters teamwork, problem-solving, and strategic thinking.

4. Leadership Bingo cards:

Create Bingo cards with leadership qualities or skills in each square. Throughout the week or month, students mark off the qualities they observe in themselves and during weekly review class, students can explain where they have observed that trait in them and its importance. This promotes self-awareness and recognition of leadership traits in oneself.

5. Leadership Role-Play:

Assign different leadership scenarios or challenges to small groups. Each group acts out the scenario, demonstrating effective leadership skills. Afterwards, discuss the outcomes and what could be improved.

6. Debriefing Sessions:

After each game or activity, schedule debriefing sessions. Discuss what worked well, what challenges arose, and how participants demonstrated leadership qualities. Reflection is crucial for students to understand and apply leadership lessons.